Dar> Prodotti> EVA Dgħajsa Flooring> Folja EVA Faux Teak> Art tad-dgħajsa kannella u bajda
Art tad-dgħajsa kannella u bajda
Art tad-dgħajsa kannella u bajda
Art tad-dgħajsa kannella u bajda
Art tad-dgħajsa kannella u bajda
Art tad-dgħajsa kannella u bajda
Art tad-dgħajsa kannella u bajda
Art tad-dgħajsa kannella u bajda
Art tad-dgħajsa kannella u bajda

Art tad-dgħajsa kannella u bajda

$365-99 Piece/Pieces

$34100-499 Piece/Pieces


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Incoterm:CFR,FOB,CIF,EXW,DDP,DDU,Express Delivery
Attributi tal-Prodott

Mudell Nru.FTS001-CB5


Post Tal-oriġiniIċ-Ċina


Servizz Tal-GaranzijaSena 1

Servizz Ta 'wara L-bejgħAppoġġ tekniku onlajn

Stil Tad-DisinnModerna


GaranzijaSena 1

MaterjalPE / EVA

Daqs240cm x 90cm

Ebusija65 Xatt C (± 5)

Densità180kgs / m3

KulurKannella skur fuq iswed

Standard Tat-test Reżistenti Għall-UV3000 siegħa

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Unitajiet tal-Bejgħ : Piece/Pieces
Tip ta' Pakkett : Ippakkjat minn roll f'kartuna.
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Art tal-baħar faux EVA oranġjo bl-iswed
Deskrizzjoni tal-prodott

EVA Boat Flooring

Eva Boat Flooring Sheet: Non-slip PE/EVA foam artificial teak in a light brown color with black stitching can offer unmatched comfort and fantastic traction. It is a popular choice for boat flooring due to its durability, comfort, and non-slip properties. To fit nearly any ship surface that has to be non-slip or protected, the sloping edge may be simply cut off and cleaned. Excellent elasticity, difficult to distort, and difficult to tear. Overall, EVA boat flooring is a practical and stylish option for upgrading the flooring on a boat.

- Product Description -

For our EVA boat Sheet, there are two different size: 240x90cm and 240x120cm. Customized sizes can be accepted. And we have 24 colors to choose from, you can choose the color you like. The hardness of the material is 60-65 degrees and the density is 160-180kgs/m3. Passed the anti-UV-3000 hour test. It can be used on boats, motorboats, and RVs and is non-slip and waterproof. And you can customize the pattern you want. EVA boat flooring is available in a variety of colors and textures, allowing boat owners to customize the look of their vessel. Installation is typically easy, as the flooring can be cut to fit the specific dimensions of the boat and adhered in place with a marine-grade adhesive. 

In addition to being used on boats, EVA anti-skid mats can also be used in many other fields, such as the automotive industry, sports equipment, family life and other fields. With the continuous development of the shipbuilding industry, the application scope of EVA anti-skid pads is also constantly expanding.

In short, Double colors sheet mats are becoming more and more popular for use on ships. While improving the safety of crew and passengers, they also provide better protection and maintenance methods for the shipbuilding industry. It is believed that with the advancement of technology and people's increasing demand for environmentally friendly materials, the application of EVA anti-skid mats will become more and more widespread.

Brown and white Flooring

Detail pictures

Flooring with adhesive

Dar> Prodotti> EVA Dgħajsa Flooring> Folja EVA Faux Teak> Art tad-dgħajsa kannella u bajda
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